Prof. Dr. Anış ARIBOĞAN

Sepsis ve Skorlama konusunda seçilmiş makaleler:

“Predisposition, insult/infection, response, and organ dysfunction: A new model for staging severe sepsis” için tıklayınız.

“The Predisposition, Infection, Response and Organ Failure (Piro) Sepsis Classification System: Results of Hospital Mortality Using a Novel Concept and Methodological Approach” için tıklayınız.

“Comparison of PIRO, SOFA, and MEDS Scores for Predicting Mortality in Emergency Department Patients With Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock” için tıklayınız.

“The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score for predicting outcome in patients with severe sepsis and evidence of hypoperfusion at the time of emergency department presentation” için tıklayınız.